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The research on the professional and educational pathways of school graduates being conducted by IBE (The Educational Research Institute) are elements of systemic actions aimed to use state information resources to build a system for monitoring the continuing education and participation in the labour market of secondary school graduates. The system is being developed to provide cyclical, reliable and relevant feedback necessary for planning strategic actions and evaluating the quality of secondary education, especially vocational education. The designed solutions will complement existing mechanisms to provide quality vocational education and will allow VET to be better adjusted to the needs of the current labour market. More information on this can be found in “Design of the System for Monitoring the Professional and Educational Pathways of Graduates”.
Monitoring of Educational and Professional Pathways of Graduates and Young Adults (MLEZAiMD)
Monitoring of Educational and Professional Pathways of Graduates and Young Adults (MLEZAiMD) (POWR.02.15.00- IP.02-00-004/16)
These projects are co-financed by the Operational Programme Knowledge, Education and Development for 2014–2020 under Priority Axis II Effective public policies for the labor market, economy and education. They implement objective 4 of Measure 2.15 “Vocational education and training adapted to the needs of a changing economy”, which is “providing feedback to the vocational education system on the situation of vocational school graduates”.
Monitoring the Professional and Educational Pathways of Vocational School Graduates – edition 2 (MLASZ)
Monitoring the Professional and Educational Pathways of Vocational School Graduates – edition 2 (MLASZ) (Losy 2) (POWR.02.15.00-IP.02-00- 003/19)
These projects are co-financed by the Operational Programme Knowledge, Education and Development for 2014–2020 under Priority Axis II Effective public policies for the labor market, economy and education. They implement objective 4 of Measure 2.15 “Vocational education and training adapted to the needs of a changing economy”, which is “providing feedback to the vocational education system on the situation of vocational school graduates”.
Proposed indicators, schemes for the analysis and processing of administrative data, templates of automatic reports on the situation of graduates
Software used to combine and process the administrative data obtained from national registers and to generate automatic reports
Draft of legal changes required to operate the system
Field studies to support the development of the monitoring system are planned with students, graduates and future system users – representatives of schools, local governments and employers. These studies will be conducted in parallel to the work being done by IBE through two successive competitive projects implemented by external contractors.
In the second stage of monitoring the pathways of graduates, subsequent rounds of surveys will be conducted with vocational education students, graduates and school directors. The target system for graduate monitoring based on administrative data will also be implemented.
Projekt realizowany przez Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy z dofinansowaniem z Funduszy Europejskich dla Rozwoju Społecznego (FERS).