Strona główna » The project team
Employed as a research assistant in the Educational Research and Analysis Team at IBE. An expert in the LOSY2 project, specialising in educational measurement and social research methodology.
A graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. An expert in the LOSY2 project, she specialises in the economics of education and the labour market as well as graduate careers.
A graduate of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw and the School of Social Sciences at IFiS PAN, an experienced researcher and evaluator specialising in urban development and social exclusion. An expert in the LOSY2 project, responsible for the development of research tools and cooperation with companies conducting research for the purpose of developing the monitoring system.
A graduate of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw, a specialist and data analyst responsible for the development of IT and statistical solutions used in the project to automate data processing and report the results of analyses.
A graduate of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, she manages the budget and project timetable, verifies the compliance of activities with the co-financing agreement, and is responsible for communication with the ESF intermediary body for the Project Management Team.
Head of the International Research Team at IBE and the LOSY2 team, national research coordinator of IEA TIMSS 2019, OECD PIAAC 2022, National Coordinator of ReferNet Polska. He specialises in quantitative data analysis and research in the field of the sociology of education and the sociology of the economy.
A graduate of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw, researcher and key expert coordinating the work of the LOSY2 team. Employed as a research assistant in the Educational Research and Analysis Team at IBE, where he specialises in the methodology of social research as well as analyses of vocational education and the labour market.
A graduate of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw, assistant in the Educational Research and Analysis Group at IBE. Expert and consultant of the LOSY2 team in developing the IT solutions used in the project. He specialises in advanced statistical analysis and processing complex data sets.
Projekt realizowany przez Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych z dofinansowaniem z Funduszy Europejskich dla Rozwoju Społecznego (FERS).